May 23, 2014

UW Memorial Union - Signs of Summer

After a long and brutal winter and a slow start to spring, signs of summer are finally here.   A favorite summer spot is the University of Wisconsin's Memorial Union Terrace.   Dusk is always a beautiful time to take in the last remnants of the day and celebrate with a beer from the Brat Stand.

Sunset over Lake Mendota at University of Wisconsin Memorial Union Terrace - (c) Kelly Doering

Brat Stand at University of Wisconsin Memorial Union Terrace - (c) Stick People Productions

May 16, 2014

Fitchburg Days

One of the first community festivals of the session, Fitchburg Days celebrates their Irish history with live music, food and a favorite part.   I like to take advantage of that magical time of dusk when there is still some light in the sky though dark enough for the carnival lights to glow with brilliant color. 

Fitchburg Days - Fitchburg, WI - (c) Kelly Doering, Stick People Productions

Fitchburg Days - Fitchburg, WI - (c) Kelly Doering, Photographer

Fitchburg Days - Fitchburg, WI - (c) Stick People Productions, Photography

Fitchburg Days - Fitchburg, WI - (c) Kelly Doering, Photography